A Guided Pathways Approach to Improving Learning and Teaching in Introductory College Mathematics
Through a campus-wide Guided Pathways reform effort, Milwaukee Area Technical College redesigned its foundational math offerings and changed its approach to math instruction. The result has been a dramatic improvement in student outcomes and a successful model of scaled math pathways reform.
Increasing College Readiness With Quantway Dual Enrollment Partnerships in Wisconsin
Since 2014, Madison Area Technical College has seen a striking improvement in student outcomes using Quantway Core. That success has given way to the latest initiative of their student success strategy: dual enrollment partnerships that promote college readiness and access for more students using Quantway Core. Learn more about Madison’s investment in K-12 partnerships.
A Dual Enrollment Story: Expanding Postsecondary Options for Fremont High School Students with Statway
Fremont's partnership with local community colleges and Carnegie Math Pathways has helped build a dual enrollment program that's led to increased student success and made a 4-education an attainable goal for more of its students.
Transforming Math Learning Through Faculty-Driven Change at the State University of New York (SUNY)
The State University of New York (SUNY) partnership with Carnegie Math Pathways has resulted in increased student success in mathematics and the development of a system-wide infrastructure to support institutional improvement. Read more about SUNY’s faculty-led journey to adopting and scaling math pathways.
How We Reimagined College Readiness Courses at RIDE with WestEd’s Carnegie Math Pathways & Reading Apprenticeship
In partnership with WestEd and local colleges, the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) is mitigating learning loss and preparing students for success in high school and college. Take a look at how RIDE developed the transformative readiness courses that are helping students advance in their education.
Serving Students Better and More Equitably with Coreqs at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee math faculty were key members of the Quantway College+Corequisite solution design team. Learn more about their department's evolution to implementing coreqs.