Join Pathways staff and educators at the 45 Annual NOSS Conference for engaging sessions on online corequisite courses, building institutional capacity for equity, and social justice lesson contextualization that connects in-class math concepts to the real world.

Social Justice Contextualization to Create Relevant and Meaningful Lessons: Curricular Innovation in Math

Thursday, June 17, 2021 | 9 a.m. Pacific / 12 p.m. Eastern

Social justice issues can provide a deep and engaging context within which students can learn math. These relevant and meaningful contexts can help students connect to a course, promoting the belief that they belong (which research has shown to raise success rates). This can be particularly powerful for students from traditionally underserved populations

With proper lesson materials, practitioners can have a unique opportunity to embrace and discuss issues of social justice in their classroom while teaching math content. Additionally, the lessons can be tailored to communities by integrating local equity issues. This can help all students bet on their own success.

Faculty in the Pathways community have integrated social justice contexts into a variety of math lessons. During the session, some of these educators will discuss how they have generated the ideas and how the issues were paired with math concepts. They’ll explore sample lessons in-depth, including strategies to support students’ productive and respectful discussion. Participants will walk away with a firm grasp of how to create, develop, and implement math lessons that include social justice contexts.

Jamylle Carter, Professor of Mathematics, Diablo Valley College
Maria Alzugaray, Professor of Mathematics, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
Scott Strother, Manager of Curriculum and Evaluation, Carnegie Math Pathways

Building Institutional Capacity for Equity through Video Cases

Friday, June 18, 2021 | 10:30 a.m. Pacific / 1:30 p.m. Eastern

This session will share innovative video cases, developed from the experiences of institutional leaders, instructors, and students of the Carnegie Math Pathways, that develop institutional capacity for equity work. These video cases can be used by institutional leaders and faculty to examine equity issues; reflect upon and adjust their own practice; and learn about monitoring progress toward equity goals. Each case includes:

  • A context-setting overview
  • Clearly articulated equity-centered professional learning goals
  • Between 2-5 minutes of central video vignette and up to 20 minutes of supplementary video to support additional discussion
  • Well-defined activities for each of the five sections of engagement:  pre-view, view, discuss, reflect, and monitor progress
  • Facilitator guide

While the case resources are explicitly designed within the context of the Carnegie Math Pathways, they address central issues of instruction, institutional structure, and organization that are applicable broadly to guided pathways reform.

Participants will watch and discuss video vignettes and will have the opportunity to both “try” the video cases as resources for professional learning as well as reflect on the use of the video cases in their own institutional contexts. We’ll also engage in small and whole group discussions about how tools like these can advance personal and institutional equity goals.

Ann Edwards, Director of Research and Implementation, Carnegie Math Pathways
Shandy Hauk, Associate Professor, San Francisco State University

All In: A Learning Experience that Supports Authentic Collaboration, Multiple Modalities, and Mindset Routines

Friday, June 18, 2021 | 1:15 p.m. Pacific / 4:15 p.m. Eastern

Students’ mindsets about their ability to learn and belong play a critical role in the motivation to use new learning strategies, especially now. Participants will consider the learning, technological, and instructional strategies in an online mathematics course that engender student engagement and connection, and flexibility in modality.

Lewis Hosie, Manager of Courseware Development and Implementation, Carnegie Math Pathways

Using Virtual Corequisite Math Courses to Promote High and Equitable Success Rates

Friday, June 18, 2021 | 12:30 p.m. Pacific / 3:30 p.m. Eastern

Online corequisite math pathways can expand opportunities for students to overcome the hurdle of college-level math. Institutions, advisors, and faculty need the tools to properly structure and administer online corequisite courses and to place students appropriately for equitable success.

Participants in this session will engage with faculty who have launched virtual corequisite math courses to discuss successful design principles, such as addressing non-cognitive factors and adding social-emotional supports, and faculty training to support educators as they teach corequisite courses online.

Speakers will share data from this past year that has been rigorously collected from institutions across the nation and will share examples of how equity was addressed and promoted in their courses.

Andre Freeman, Professor of Mathematics, Capital Community College
Paul Verschueren, Mathematics Instructor, Seattle Central College
Scott Strother, Manager of Curriculum and Evaluation, Carnegie Math Pathways


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