Applying Effective Math Instruction to the Fully-Online Space: An Overview of Carnegie Math Pathways’ New Fully-Online Courses
Digital learning is increasingly becoming critical to higher education institutions’ sustainability. However, failure and incompletion rates in online courses remain high especially for students traditionally placed into developmental mathematics.
That’s why the Carnegie Math Pathways is designing a new approach to online learning. In partnership with faculty across our network, as well as key technology partners, we have reimagined our in-person Quantway and Statway courses for the online space to bring a collaborative, adaptive, and supportive online learning experience for our students.
Join us for a conversation with course designers and implementers to learn more about the design elements of these new course models and the learnings from our initial pilot courses this fall.
Lewis Hosie, Instructional Support System Coordinator
Kris Baker, Math Faculty, SUNY Rockland Community College
Kelly Kohlmetz, Math Faculty, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Mel Taylor, Math Faculty, Ridgewater College