Dear Colleagues,
As we begin 2024, we are preparing for a milestone year. Since our founding, our North Star guiding mission has been to increase equitable success in college by improving mathematics experiences and outcomes in the first year of postsecondary education. Releasing our Quantway and Statway course solutions as Open Educational Resources (OER) is an important step toward this. Making our curricula freely accessible removes financial barriers and enables more students to benefit from high quality course materials and a proven approach, broadening our impact and taking us closer toward our vision of a more equitable system. But it in no way means that our work is complete.
We are leveraging this transition time to invest in and deepen our partnerships and learning to benefit students and educators. We remain committed to understanding and transforming the student learning experience in mathematics. We are dedicated to building upon our work with educators to uplift and empower students and communities through contextualized and culturally responsive learning. And we want to continue thinking about how to better prepare students earlier for success in college. We are also interested in identifying and sharing impactful leadership practices that support transformational and lasting reforms, and ensuring that reforms aimed at improving mathematics teaching and learning are implemented sustainably, equitably, and affordably–that classroom experiences are supportive and inclusive for all students.
It is an ambitious agenda but an important one as we and the field move forward our ongoing efforts to create a system that values and supports all learners in their mathematical education journeys.
We’ll be sharing more about our progress in this work through the year and invite you to join us in the learning. If you’re interested in exploring areas and opportunities to partner, please contact us. And to learn more about our OER offerings, click the link below.
Thank you for your continued support and belief in our work.
In partnership,
Ann Edwards
Carnegie Math Pathways at WestEd